Monday, 16 April 2018

Happy Monday!

We had a busy morning of learning this morning!

In Science, we learned that we can use the term "fluids" to describe both liquids (like water) and gases (like air). We also learned that fluids have 5 unique properties, including: fluids flow and fluids take the form of their container. We watched THIS BILL BYE VIDEO to further solidify our understanding.

In Français, we continued with our Zamboni novel study. In Chapter 3, we meet the narrator's mother for the first time and learn a bit more about the narrator's life as a result.

Finally, in Math, we continue to work with percents. Today we watched a short clip about percents
(click HERE to see it!) and continued working in our percents booklets. We are working to see the connection between percents, fractions out of 100 and decimal numbers.

Agenda items:
1. April assembly - Wednesday morning.
2. Talent Show with proceeds going to Keira's Krusade - Thursday, April 19th afternoon
3. April Scholastic orders - order date extended to Thursday, April 19.
4. SOUPer Bowl - through to April 25

Have great week! :)

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