Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Doubles, factors, Science projects and Agenda items

Happy Tuesday, families!

We worked very hard this morning and accomplished so many things!

We started our Math lesson with a number talk and the introduction of our newest mental math strategy, "Doubles." We took the time to share our strategies and practice our new doubling skills.
We also continued our work with factors, focusing on how to find the "pgfc" [aka plus grand factor commun (greatest common factor)].

In Science we listened to the remaining project presentations and completed "self-assessments" of our work.

Finally, in Français, we worked together as group to finish co-writing our first class goal for the year. Our first goal is, "De faire un effort de paler en français." Part of the shared writing process is to frequently re-read our work aloud and to give suggestions about what we can add to our writing to make it better. Through this collaboration, we are able to create pieces of writing that have a clear, detailed message. Our shared-write goal will become the model on which we will base the writing of our own goals. We will begin writing our rough drafts in class tomorrow.

Agenda items

1. Permission forms for Cinémental (pink permission forms) are due back to school ASAP.
Our field trip is this Thursday.
2. Fun lunch forms (organized by TPN) were sent home today.
Please fill out if interested and return to school by Monday.
3. Section A - Calcul Mental "Doubles" - due Friday.
4. PGFC Questions 2 et 2 (yes, the typo is correct) from the blue math booklet due tomorrow (Wednesday).
*Most students finished these 2 questions in class; only a handful needed more time to review their answers at home before correcting.

Have a great afternoon!

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