Wednesday, 25 October 2017

CFOO et les buts

Happy Wednesday, friends!
Our morning of learning flew by!

In Math, we continue to work on factors and finding the pgfc for a set of numbers. Mme also handed back our first Multiples assessment and shared what we did well and how we can continue to improve.

In Français, Mme Careen read us the book, "Je suis Marilou Melon." We noticed how the story itself is quite quirky, but the illustrations are what really bring the story "over the top!"

Next, in Français, we got to work on our next CFOO presentations. This presentation's theme is "Opinion." 
CFOO presentation #2 will be Thursday, November 2.


After working on our CFOO presentations, we started writing the rough draft of our goals for the year. We had previously written an outline of our goals and actions plans, and are now working on putting our outlines into paragraph form. We had 15 minutes of independent writing time to get started. It wasn't easy at first to "shut out" our friends and other distractions, but once we all got into the groove, it was amazing to see how much writing we could get done in a relatively short amount of time. We will continue to work on our goal writing over the coming few days and will keep working on building our writing stamina over the course of the year.

Agenda items for today:

À demain! :)

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