Monday, 11 June 2018

Three Mondays Left!

Happy rainy Monday, learning friends!
We had a jam-packed two periods this morning at school!

After watching two short videos about Bernoulli's Principle and the four forces of flight, we got to work on this month's design process activity: building an "aéronef" - a simple aircraft - with a straw, different types of paper and tape.

After building and testing our first prototype, we recorded how it flew and decided what changes we could make to help it fly better (further). After making and recording the changes, it was time to test again! Our goal was to create four different prototypes and, in the end, decide which one flew the best and explain why.

We will have one more work period tomorrow morning to finish of the testing and assessing of our flying creations! Wish us luck! :)

Agenda items:
1. We will be busy this week in class finishing up a few remaining 'things' before Mme starts writing reports. A reminder to all students that even though the school year is winding down, we still have LOTS of learning left to do and should arrive to class each day ready to learn and try our best! :)
2. Good luck to all Track and Field participants who are off to their meet tomorrow (Tuesday)!
3. Tornado Drill - Wednesday a.m.
4. June Scholastic orders (last order of the year!) - due Thursday.
*A great time to stock up on books for summer reading!*
5. School Musical - Law and Order: C-Rhyme and Pun-ishment - Wednesday, June 20 and Thursday, June 21 at 7 pm.
(See school website for details).
6. Final locker clean out - Friday, June 22
7. Grade 5 Visit and Homeroom Transition Day - Monday, June 25 p.m.

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