Monday, 28 May 2018

Percents, the Hindenburg and Reader's Theatre

Happy Monday, friends of learning!
We our week is already off to a great start!

In Math this morning, we worked at the whiteboards in randomized groups of 3 to draw different scenarios involving percents. Ex: Draw 8 animals. 50% can't fly and 25% have large ears.
What do you draw? How do you know?

In Science, we continued our discussion about 'lighter than air objects' and today we focused on zeppelins - most notably the Hindenburg. We learned how a zeppelin can fly and what changes were made to the construction of zeppelins after the Hindenburg explosion. We also watched a short Mythbusters clip (starting at 33:45) to learn a bit more about what led to the Hindenburg explosion itself.

We ended our morning with our third Reader's Theatre presentation, Comment la tortue a abîmé sa carapace. Bravo: Jaeda, Tayla, Fallon, Deneige, Declan and Rowen!

Agenda items:
1. Section A Calcul Mental - for those who were not done today, Section A will be re-checked tomorrow.
2. Special presentation from the WPL - tomorrow
3. Section B Calcul Mental - Wednedsay, May 30
4. CFOO #13 - Wednesday, May 30
5. Grade 6 Immunizations - Wednesday, May 30
6. * Expérience #2 - L'air a une masse - OVERDUE.

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