Friday, 11 May 2018


We were happy to welcome Mme Galka to our classroom this morning!

She did a listening and viewing activity with us using this funny video: SNACK ATTACK.
Throughout the video we made predictions about what we thought might happen next and had to "prove" our opinion using evidence from the video and/or making personal connections with experiences in our own lives.
(Ex: We know the lady in the video is older because she has grey hair and large glasses. We know the boy in the video is older than 8 years old because: 1) he is at the train station by himself and 2) Mme Careen's son is 8 and she says he (her son) looks much younger than the boy in the video).
Please ask me what I thought about the video. Maybe we can even watch it together?

Agenda items:
1. May Scholastic orders due Friday, May 18.

Have a great weekend!
Go Jets Go!

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