Wednesday, 14 March 2018


Hello, everyone!
We had a busy morning of learning today!

In Mathé, we continued with our new unit on "les nombres entiers" and today learned that "les nombres entiers" can be both positive and negative and continue on to infinite (as seen on a number line - "une droite numérique").
We also watched a short video about negative numbers. The video shared some tips about how to compare positive and negative integers. It also gave examples of where we might see both positive and negative integers in everyday life.

In Science, we continued working on our write-ups for the experiments we are designing and in Français we did our final revisions for our "qui suis-je?" haiku and submitted them to Mme Careen in Showbie. Our final copies will be posted on the bulletin board in class for you to see this evening! We can't wait to share our writing with you! :)

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