Friday, 2 March 2018

Have a Great Weekend!

We worked very hard on our Science assessments this mornings and also took some time to work through 2 different Math word problems using the order of operations as our strategy. Students also had a chance to work through the list of overdue work, with many students now coming one step closer to being
caught up in all three subjects!

The coming two weeks will keep us just as busy as we continue with: graphing and experimental variables in Science, PEDMAS and problem-solving in Math and reading and a fun haiku-writing activity in Français.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Agenda items:

1. PEDMAS assessment - next week (likely Wednesday).
2. Overdue learning tasks - as the end of Term 3 approaches, it is now time for students who have unfinished tasks to come in over the noon hour to finish up their work. Some of the items include: Science arthropod research revisions, "ma résolution" sentences, Le chandail de hockey résumé and Le chandail de hockey video questions.
Please check-in with your child to ensure they are staying up-to-date with their work! Thanks!

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