Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Many Agenda items!

We are working hard to finish up the many different assignments we've been working on over the past couple of weeks. The list is lengthy, but please note that students have had plenty of class time to work on these tasks, and many have already completed the items below (see agenda items).
Please check in with your child to see how they are doing.

And, a big congratulations to both Savannah and Tommy who each found a solution to our "Rectangle Math" question. There are 2 possible solutions to the question, with one of the sums being 22.  (Hint, hint!)
(See yesterday's blog post for a question refresher).
Good luck! :)

General Agenda Items:
1. Registration forms due back to the school ASAP, please!
2. I Love to Read calendars - fill in daily for the month of February
3. "Limonade pour la lecture" - Lemonade on sale ($1) tomorrow (Thursday) at lunch,
with proceeds going to The Children's Hospital.
4. Lecture pour l'or - Dress up in your Canada gear to cheer on reading and Team Canada! - Friday

Academic items:
1. CFOO presentations - tomorrow (Thursday!)
2. Math assessment on "les transformations géométriques" - Friday
3. Math Art project - due Friday
4. Reading comprehension "Tout sur les tomates" (yellow sheet) and "Les arthropodes"
(green sheet to be completed with our Science text) - both due Friday
5. Internet research sheet on arthropods - last work class will likely be Friday, with students having the option to either bring the sheet home over the weekend to complete or to come in over the noon hour Monday and Tuesday to finish. Sheets will be due Wednesday, February 14.

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